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Hospice brochure pdf

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  • Hospice brochure pdf

    Hospice brochure pdf
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    In hospice, both the patient and family are the focus of care options, including hospice. At any point during a life-limiting illness, it’s appropriate to discuss all of an individual’s care options, including hospice. Making the choice to and the Medicare Hospice Benefit For more information, or to locate a hospice in your area, contact Caring Connections: caringinfo@ HelpLine 2 A cAregiver’s guide to the dying Process Hospice Foundation oFamerica Hospice Foundation oFamerica A cAregiver’s guide to the dying Processas you care for a dying loved one, understanding the physi-cal and emotional changes that occur during illness and death will help you provide meaningful and effective sup-port • The benefits of hospice—including physical, emotional and spiritual support—are greatest when services are begun early Hospice is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurers Patients can receive hospice services wherever they call home, including a private residence, assisted living facility or nursing home 3 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR A REFERRAL. Making the choice to discontinue medical treatment is often made when curative measures have been exhausted and the patient wants the comfort and dignity offered by hospice care. Starting hospice sooner than later provides the patient and family with the full breadth of our services Minnesota Network of Hospice & Palliative Care (MNHPC) McKnight Rd N SuiteNorth Saint Paul, MN () qualifies for hospice care. It treats Hospice & Palliative Care Services Three Oaks Hospice FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR A REFERRAL. Hospice is care that comforts and supports patients and their families when an advanced illness can’t be cured. Hospice can be provided anywhere a person calls home. Hospice accepts death as an inevitable outcome for a patient with a terminal (end-stage) illness. Minnesota Network of Hospice & Palliative Care (MNHPC) McKnight Rd N SuiteNorth Saint Paul, MN () () National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) () To keep the patient comfortable, as free as possible from pain and symptoms, and allow him or her to maintain a good quality of life for the time remaining.