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Diagnostic medical sonography obstetrics and gynecology pdf

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  • Diagnostic medical sonography obstetrics and gynecology pdf

    Diagnostic medical sonography obstetrics and gynecology pdf
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    The physics of ultrasound is rather complex Director—Sonography Program The George Washington University Washington, DC Darla J. Matthew, BaS, rt, rDMS Program Director and Associate Professor Diagnostic Medical Sonography Doña Ana Community College Las Cruces, New Mexico SuSan naGer, BS, rDMS Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound Instructor Central Florida Institute Orlando, Florida Provides key terms for quick reference, pathology boxes with tables of relevant pathologies, a complete glossary to help students master vocabulary of the sonography profession, and updated references that reflect the latest research in the field. ISBN: , · Real-time sonographic imaging is the most common and most useful imaging technique employed in obstetrics and gynecology patients. Ultrasound imaging has revolutionized the practice of Ob/Gyn. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB),diagnostic ultrasound Manual of diagnostic ultrasound volvolume2 DIM Cover_Final uini: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical Director Perinatal Institute Loma Linda University Medical Center/ hildren’s Hospital C Loma Linda, California Joe roDriGuez, rt DMSDirector, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, Tennessee viii. ISBN: KEY POINTS. Although powerful diagnostic tool, many potential sources of errors that could lead to poor outcomes Ultrasound can be used to determine fetal viability, gestational age, multiple gestations, morphology, growth, and fetal weight. However, it is a user-dependent imaging modality and multiple factors affect the images obtained, thereby directly affecting patient diagnosis and management The Global Library of Women's Medicine GLOWM[Show full abstract] diagnostic sonography in obstetrics and gynecology, while reflecting upon the foreseeable legal implications. xiii Contents Contributors vii Reviewers vii Provides key terms for quick reference, pathology boxes with tables of relevant pathologies, a complete glossary to help students master vocabulary of the sonography profession, and updated references that reflect the latest research in the field.