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Airbus acronyms pdf

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  • Airbus acronyms pdf

    Airbus acronyms pdf
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    A/N – Alphanumeric. A/L – Airline. ABCUAlternate Braking Control Unit. ACARS. A/S – Airspeed. Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System. A/D – Analog/Digital. A/SKIDAnti-Skid. ACP – Audio Control Panel, allows pilot to select which radios or interphones to listen to of Airbus Acronyms. A/DC – Analog-to-Digital Converter. A/DAnalog/Digital. ACARS-Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System A/THRAutothrust. A to ZAbbreviations & Acronyms _____ FM Stuff _____ Note: AOM is Aircraft Operating Manual, how to operate the A ASM is Aircraft Systems Manual, how the A to ZAbbreviations & Acronyms. Airborne collision avoidance system. A/DCAnalog-to-Digital Converter. A/RAudio Reproducer. A – Amber. A/XFMRAutotransformer. ACAlternating Current. A/COLL – Anti-Collision. ACC. Area control Airbus AcronymsFree download as Word Doc.doc), PDF File.pdf), Text File.txt) or read online for free AIRBUS ACRONYMS: Acronyms used by ECAM, MCDU, PFD, ND, and System Descriptions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Missing: pdfA-D None Airbus Deutschland ADAM None Airbus Spares Distribution and Materials System ADAU None Auxiliary Data Acquisition Unit ADB General Area Distribution Box ADB General Airport DataBase ADB None Aeronautical DataBase ADC General Air Data Computer ADC None Airbus Delivery Centre ADCL None Airworthiness Directives Compliance List The complete list of airbus abbreviation for Aviation Pilots & Engineers. ACAS. (complete list found in back of PH) The really short list of Airbus acronyms and abbreviations: (before you get to it try to figure out what THS Missing: pdf Aircraft continuous airworthiness monitoring. A/BRK – Autobrake. A/C – Aircraft. A/SKID – Anti-Skid AIRBUS ACRONYMS: Acronyms used by ECAM, MCDU, PFD, ND, and System Descriptions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z: A: ABNAbnormal ACARSARINC Communications and Reporting System ACMAir Cycle Machine ACPAudio Control Panel ACTAdditional Center Tank ADIRSAir Data The really short list of Airbus acronyms and abbreviations: (before you get to it try to figure out what THS is) α – Stands for ALPHA as in α PROT. AAmber. Refers to Angle of Attack. A-ICE – Anti-Ice. ACM – Air Cycle Machine. AAlternate. A/G – Air to Ground. A/CAircraft. – Anti-icing.