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Scapular clocks pdf

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  • Scapular clocks pdf

    Scapular clocks pdf
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    Hold forseconds scapula. s PHYSICAL THERAPY. Stand straight. Scapular clocks This is an exercise to re-educate the proper scapular mechanics that are needed while elevating the shoulder. These exercises are important in order for the This exercise is promoting proper scapular retraction and protraction while avoiding the common mis conception of scapular elevation toward theo'clock position Scapular stabilization refers to a set of exercises that strengthen the shoulder What is scapular stabilization?: girdle muscles to restore normal scapular motion and correct The scapular clock, the low row exercise, and the push-up with a plus are examples of closed-chain exercises for the scapulaThe scapular-clock exercise facilitates the GUIDELINESCAPULAR REHABILITATION Optimal scapular muscle activation allows proper scapular motion and position while maintaining the glenohumeral instant center Home Exercise Program for. m. Finally, move your shoulder backwards towardo'clock by pinching both shoulder blades together as seen in pictureYou have now Action: Imagine your shoulder is the center of a clock. o. Slide your arm up level with collar bone and bend your elbow todegrees. Place your hands (open or fisted) on the wall just below shoulders. Next elevate your scapula toward theposition as seen in picture. k. Try to toucho’clock with your shoulder, theno’clock Goal: Improve scapular strength Physioball Scapular Exercises Stand with hand placed on physioball against a wall Bring shoulders back and down. Bend your knees up to keep you stable lying on your side X r(Rev/) ©AAHC Shoulder/Scapula. l. SHOULDER STABILIZATION EXERCISES – PHASE Ia. Wall Push-Up Plus. a. f. Push your chest away from wall, rounding upper back, allowing shoulder blades to come apart and forward. Slowly roll hand side to side over the ball. W. a. Frequencysets ofreps Three times per week Goal: Improve scapular strength P. l. t. Lie directly on affected shoulder with head well supported by pillows. Periscapular and Rotator Cuff Strengthening. r. l. Shoulder: Clock – Sidelying. Next depress your scapula toward'clock as seen in pictureNext move your shoulder forward toward the'clock position. Maintain shoulders back and down. Purpose: To relax neck, shoulder and upper back muscles. Position: Lie on your side with a small towel or pillow under your head.