Getting rid of ads on Peacock TV will help you have an interruption-free experience. Here’s why exactly you might want to get rid of ads on this streaming service:
- Watch Peacock TV free without interruptions. Removing ads on Peacock TV, whether you have a free or paid version, means you can binge-watch your favorite shows smoothly. has different types of ads, including trending, engagement, explore, and other ads. And with an ad blocker, you’ll get to remove them all at once.
- Preserve your battery. Ads drain battery, so the less you see them, the more you’ll save. This especially applies to mobile devices.
- Save data. If you’re using your mobile device to watch Peacock TV, you’ll want to save data instead of wasting it on pointless ads.
- Get a reliable ad blocker
- Enable the ad blocker
- Launch Peacock TV and enjoy an ad-free experience