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How To Add Your Apple Gift Card To An Apple Wallet

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  • How To Add Your Apple Gift Card To An Apple Wallet

    The first time I was gifted an Apple gift card, I had no idea how to use it. I had to abandon the card for weeks since I imagined it would be difficult. I had only started using an iPhone and needed help navigating the gift card, Apple Wallet, and Apple Pay.

    It took some time for me to learn that you can use the Wallet app to store your credit card information, including credit/debit cards, gift cards, and transit cards, and the setup is relatively straightforward. Meanwhile, Apple Pay allows you to make safe purchases on Apple Store and

    The truth is you can’t directly add an Apple gift card to an Apple wallet except for other gift cards like Visa and Mastercard; the option you have is to redeem your Apple gift card to your Apple account.

    The objective of this piece is to guide you on how to add other gift cards to your Apple wallet and how to redeem an Apple gift card to your Apple account.

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