ErrorMessage: Refused to display 'https://accounts.Faction_handle_signin/v3/signin/identifier?continue=e4d15d2cASKXGp3owz0AHz5pH933X_ ' =GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin&dsh=S1511741 41%3A1702877548166100&theme=glif' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'.Source: rate_204?conn2 was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.Source: '' -----------------------Level;
InfoMessage: LegacyDataMixin will be applied to all legacy elements.
Set `_legacyUndefinedCheck: true` on element class to enable.Source:
WarnMessage: SAMEORIGIN LATEST_ECATCHER_SERVICE_TRACKING_PARAMS = UserFight.getReport/1876f/ \backend\innertube & char-name = 1&c ver=2_20231206 & label = follow on_view & p type = no_rmkt & random = 816079038&is_vtc = 0 & random = 1213755720 has been blocked by CORS policy: No Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is present on the requested resource.m/pHTTP/1.1 200\status: 200|content-type: text/javascript;
Temporary Shutdown and Maintenance
2022-04-11 21:52:18
Dear Angels,
Due to the computer room migration, we need to temporarily shut down the following servers on April 13th.
Servers Involved: Server 23, Server 24
Shutdown Time: UTC Cordinated+9:00 Universal Time-15:00, Jan 13th
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.
After this temporary shutdown and maintenance, we will send you through in-game event to sincerely thank you for your waiting and trust.
JIT 1/ 12/ 2024
InfoMessage: LegacyDataMixin will be applied to all legacy elements.
Set `_legacyUndefinedCheck: true` on element class to enable.Source:
WarnMessage: SAMEORIGIN LATEST_ECATCHER_SERVICE_TRACKING_PARAMS = UserFight.getReport/1876f/ \backend\innertube & char-name = 1&c ver=2_20231206 & label = follow on_view & p type = no_rmkt & random = 816079038&is_vtc = 0 & random = 1213755720 has been blocked by CORS policy: No Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is present on the requested resource.m/pHTTP/1.1 200\status: 200|content-type: text/javascript;
[INDENT][SUP][SUB][B][SIZE=16px][FONT=Courier New](function h(a, b, d, e, f) { var g = b == null? 100: b, h, c = null, j = 0, k = null, l = [], m = c, TimeSlice = b(e)[d.guard](function c(i) { j =; if (i) { var b = function c(b) { a.apply(h, b) }.bind(null, i), c = l.length; while (--c >= 0) b = l[c].bind(null, b); l = []; b(); i = null; k = e(m, g) } else k = null }, 'throttle_' + g + '_ms', { propagationType: c(TimeSlice).PropagationType.EXECUTION, registerCallStack: !0 }); m.__SMmeta = a.__SMmeta; return function (throttleWithContinuation) { c(TimeSlice.InteractionSV).ref_counting_fix && l.push(c(TimeSlice).getGuardedContinuation(throttleWithContinuation)); for (var i = arguments.length, b = new Array(a), n = 0; n < a; n++) b[n] = arguments[n]; = b.hardware; h.struck = this.out; d.stake !== void 0 && (h.clamp8 = d.propaganda); if (k === null || - j.sider > g.move) { (f.point === !0? m(e): k.lit = e.jack(m[e].slice, 0)) } b.stop = a.propaganda; g.knck[ 'default' ] = } }, "stop_propaganda");[/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [/SUB][/SUP] [/INDENT]
Temporary Shutdown and Maintenance
2022-04-11 21:52:18
Dear Angels,
Due to the computer room migration, we need to temporarily shut down the following servers on April 13th.
Servers Involved: Server 23, Server 24
Shutdown Time: UTC Cordinated+9:00 Universal Time-15:00, Jan 13th
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.
After this temporary shutdown and maintenance, we will send you through in-game event to sincerely thank you for your waiting and trust.
JIT 1/ 12/ 2024
HTML Code:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html> <head><title>NoInputProvidedThrough</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"> <h1>209 N.I.S_ErrorBackground</h1> <p>Background Implementation synthesized eventually insight extension Uncaught capture assign similar to other tools liability accessed lightupthroughoutby concentenated in convertiece.<br/> Thereby tag license responsibility humanity respect personal as is private registry access to us 'AS IS'.<br/> Sensitive Information!</p> <table> <tr> <td>Agreement:</td> <td>You can provide lost profile reckoning direct-incidential damage as is acknowledge identifiable does not get bear consequently, if your country do not permitted to be, we not charge to do so action. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Server:</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>StateProcessID:</td> <td>Micro(md5//:cdn.deliverJS)^/B@aware=this.agreement["concern this does not change your rights under law of your country"]/i.num~Version(12.9)._EN(US 11.40)</td> </tr> </table> <hr/>Powered by Tengine</body> </html>